Friday, August 17, 2007

Just passin thru

Had to add a give away of the day link

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Just a quicky

Had to take at least a couple of minutes to add a few links...
(see right side)
till next time...

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Government Stupidity (what else can I call it?)

It seems that our lusterless leader in Sacramento has turned down a gift that would get California out of dept. He was offered a 1 billion dollar gift from the group Let Us Pay Taxes.
A coalition of marijuana growers and dealers have offered Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger the money to solve the current state budget crisis. The offer comes at a time when the California legislature is deadlocked on a new budget and California has stopped issuing checks for vitally needed social services. Legislators are currently arguing over which programs will be cut in order to balance the budget.
Maybe if everyone who reads this blog and sends the info to their friends and we all flood the governors office with letters and petitions in favor of this offer, there's a snowballs chance in hell that he might even consider it.