Sunday, January 4, 2009

We Were Warned!

I stumbled onto this today. I might be throwing my own ass into the fire pit, but EVERYONE needs to read this.

I would like to thank FTW for putting this out in the first place and Stumble & Google for showing it to me.

Legal stuff first:
“Reprinted with permission, Michael C. Ruppert and From
The Wilderness Publications,, P.O. Box
6061-350, Sherman Oaks, CA, 91413. 818-788-8791. FTW is
published monthly, annual subscriptions are $50 per year.”

We've been screwed for quite a while, and it's about time we as Americans pull our collective heads out of our asses and look at the face of our own destruction.

Then we need to put down our cell phones, P.D.A's & P2P's, or what ever other brain softening device that we have been convinced that we must have (this makes for easier mass brainwashing) stand up straight, and squarely kick our government in the shins, demanding accountability for what was stolen from us and it's return.

I would hope that Pres. Obama will take the first steps. But it seems that he is just a pacifier to the American public. I think that before he can "officially" take command of this country, the BushBoys/NWO will plunge us into another fabricated attack on America. Then marshal law will come into effect and DHS controlled by FEMA will goose step down our streets like the nazi's they are and "try" to take command (for our own good of course).

It just "maybe" time to find the local SonsOfLiberty & join the right side. This goes to all enlisted & police personnel that know deep down that what is happening to our country is wrong.

To all of the slimy fakes who think they can slip in and keep the NWO up on things - You will be found and dealt with swiftly. There is no hiding and no escape, you are probably already known.

This is all for now.

I'm sorry to the American public that I did not start searching for this a long time ago and let it be known. My lazy ass figured someone else already had. I forgot about the voices of many must ring out so that all can hear.

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